Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Demi Pedagang Pajak Air Joman Kisaran/Asahan

Bupati Asahan Belum memenuhi janjinya kepada Pedagang Pajak Air Joman yang mana janji tersebut diucapkan langsung oleh Bapak Bupati di hadapan para pedagang di areal Pajak Air Joman.
Para pedagang merasa kesal dan kecewa atas ucapan/janji dari Bapak Bupati Asahan
Drs. Topan Gama Simatupang MAP. Hingga saat ini para pedagang Air joman masih erlantar dan belum bisa berdagang di Pajak Air Joman.
Sehingga Para Pedagang melakukan Demo di Depan Kantor Bupati Asahan sampai para pedagang Menginap di pelataran kantor Bupati.
Para pedagang di usir keluar oleh Kabid Linmas tapi para pedagang tidak mau keluar karena sudah ada perintah dari Kasad intel “Boleh Menginap tapi jangan Ada tindakan Anarkis”.
Pada saat para pendemo di usir.. salah satu pendemo dari mahasiswa yang bernama Udin mengatakan kepada Kabid Linmas “Sabar Manik” Kami tidak mau keluar dari kantor Bupati apabila Bupati tidak mau mengeluarkan surat yang resmi kepada para pendemo yag mana surat tersebut harus langsung dari Bapak Bupati, Barulah Para pendemo mau bubar.
Sampai kapan permasalahan ini akan segera di selesaikan oleh pemerintah Asahan..??
Apakah Bupati Asahan Akan Mengingkari Janjinya kepada Para Pedagang..?
Atau Haruskah Para Pedagang Melakukan Aksi Demo Langsung Ke Kantor Gubernur Sumatera Utara Apa bila Bupati Asahan Tidak Dapat Menyelesaikan Masalah ini Segera. sumber

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Recent Appearances Artist Claudya Chintia Bella

Cyntia Bella beautiful artist Laudya long not been heard from dijagat homeland entertainment. Apparently now he is preparing the launch of her latest movie berjduul 'Protection Under the Kaaba.
Bella, she always greeted detikhot team encountered when preparing to shoot the show at Studio Epicentrum dawn ANTV Brass, recently.
In his latest film, he was deeply impressed to be trusted to play in a movie adapted from a novel highly fennomenal Buya Hamka it works.
Moreover, the latest film produced by MD Pictures is touted as the film Indonesia with the highest production costs throughout 2011.
Bella get the lead role as Zainab who was born of a wealthy family.
He will compete acting with Herjunot Hamid Ali, who plays the character, a poor boy who schooled father Zainab
He will also portray his love story of the struggle which is hampered by social status and customs.
Jerico Chico's lover had confessed many exciting experiences during the shoot the film director Hanny R Saputra it.
Bella also had admitted the difficulty when using a bicycle must act.
Women born February 24, 1988 must undergo filming in remote regions such as South Solok, West Sumatra is really no shopping malls and supermarkets.
But Bella still feel happy because to see the beautiful scenery and fresh air to breathe, unlike in Jakarta.
According to Bella, the movie is worth watching because Indonesia offers beauty and tourism potential which has not ogled at all by most people.

Gallery Foto Claudya Chintia Bella

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